Monday, 5 August 2013

Oracle GoldenGate ---performing initial data load

Oracle GoldenGate ---performing initial data load

This example illustrates using the GoldenGate direct load method to extract records from an Oracle 11g database on Red Hat Linux platform and load the same into an Oracle 11g target database on an AIX platform.
The table PRODUCTS in the SH schema on the source has 72 rows and on the target database the same table is present only in structure without any data. We will be loading the 72 rows in this example from the source database to the target database using GoldenGate Direct Load method.
On Source
1) Create the Initial data extract process ‘load1′
GGSCI (redhat346.localdomain) 5> ADD EXTRACT load1, SOURCEISTABLE
EXTRACT added.
Since this is a one time data extract task, the source of the data is not the transaction log files of the RDBMS (in this case the online and archive redo log files) but the table data itself, that is why the keyword SOURCEISTABLE is used.
2) Create the parameter file for the extract group load1
EXTRACT: name of the extract group
USERID/PASSWORD: the database user which has been configured earlier for Extract ( this user is created in the source database)
RMTHOST: This will be the IP address or hostname of the target system
MGRPORT: the port where the Manager process is running
TABLE: specify the table which is being extracted and replicated. This can be specified in a number of ways using wildcard characters to include or exclude tables as well as entire schemas.
GGSCI (redhat346.localdomain) 6> EDIT PARAMS load1
USERID ggs_owner, PASSWORD ggs_owner
RMTHOST devu007, MGRPORT 7809
RMTTASK replicat, GROUP load2
TABLE sh.products;
On Target
3) Create the initial data load task ‘load2′
Since this is a one time data load task, we are using the keyword SPECIALRUN
4) Create the parameter file for the Replicat group, load2
REPLICAT: name of the Replicat group created for the initial data load
USERID/PASSWORD: database credentials for the Replicat user (this user is created in the target database)
ASSUMETARGETDEFS: this means that the source table structure exactly matches the target database table structure
MAP: with GoldenGate we can have the target database structure entirely differ from that of the source in terms of table names as well as the column definitions of the tables. This parameter provides us the mapping of the source and target tables which is same in this case
GGSCI (devu007) 2> EDIT PARAMS load2
“/u01/oracle/software/goldengate/dirprm/rep4.prm” [New file]
USERID ggs_owner, PASSWORD ggs_owner
MAP sh.customers, TARGET sh.customers;
On Source
SQL> select count(*) from products;
On Target
SQL> select count(*) from products;
On Source
5) Start the initial load data extract task on the source system
We now start the initial data load task load 1 on the source. Since this is a one time task, we will initially see that the extract process is runningand after the data load is complete it will be stopped. We do not have to manually start the Replicat process on the target as that is done when the Extract task is started on the source system.
On Source
GGSCI (redhat346.localdomain) 16> START EXTRACT load1
Sending START request to MANAGER …
EXTRACT LOAD1 starting
GGSCI (redhat346.localdomain) 28> info extract load1
EXTRACT LOAD1 Last Started 2010-02-11 11:33 Status RUNNING
Checkpoint Lag Not Available
Log Read Checkpoint Table SH.PRODUCTS
2010-02-11 11:33:16 Record 72
GGSCI (redhat346.localdomain) 29> info extract load1
EXTRACT LOAD1 Last Started 2010-02-11 11:33 Status STOPPED
Checkpoint Lag Not Available
Log Read Checkpoint Table SH.PRODUCTS
2010-02-11 11:33:16 Record 72
On Target
SQL> select count(*) from products;

GoldenGate---- Installation (Oracle 11g on Linux)

GoldenGate---- Installation (Oracle 11g on Linux)

This example will illustrate the installation of Oracle GoldenGate on an RHEL 5 platform. We had in an earlier post discussed the architecture and various components of a GoldenGate environment.
GoldenGate software is also available on OTN but for our platform we need to download the required software from theOracle E-Delivery web site.
Select the Product Pack “Oracle Fusion Middleware” and the platform Linux X86-64.
Then select “Oracle GoldenGate on Oracle Media Pack for Linux x86-64″ and since we are installing this for an Oracle 11g database, we download “Oracle GoldenGate V10.4.0.x for Oracle 11g 64bit on RedHat 5.0″
inflating: ggs_redhatAS50_x64_ora11g_64bit_v10.4.0.19_002.tar
$tar -xvof ggs_redhatAS50_x64_ora11g_64bit_v10.4.0.19_002.tar
export PATH=$PATH:/u01/oracle/ggs
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$ORACLE_HOME/lib:/u01/oracle/ggs
Oracle GoldenGate Command Interpreter for Oracle
Version Build 002
Linux, x64, 64bit (optimized), Oracle 11 on Sep 17 2009 23:51:28
Copyright (C) 1995, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
GGSCI (redhat346.localdomain) 1>
GGSCI (redhat346.localdomain) 1> CREATE SUBDIRS
Creating subdirectories under current directory /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/dbhome_1
Parameter files /u01/oracle/ggs/dirprm: created
Report files /u01/oracle/ggs/dirrpt: created
Checkpoint files /u01/oracle/ggs/dirchk: created
Process status files /u01/oracle/ggs/dirpcs: created
SQL script files /u01/oracle/ggs/dirsql: created
Database definitions files /u01/oracle/ggs/dirdef: created
Extract data files /u01/oracle/ggs/dirdat: created
Temporary files /u01/oracle/ggs/dirtmp: created
Veridata files /u01/oracle/ggs/dirver: created
Veridata Lock files /u01/oracle/ggs/dirver/lock: created
Veridata Out-Of-Sync files /u01/oracle/ggs/dirver/oos: created
Veridata Out-Of-Sync XML files /u01/oracle/ggs/dirver/oosxml: created
Veridata Parameter files /u01/oracle/ggs/dirver/params: created
Veridata Report files /u01/oracle/ggs/dirver/report: created
Veridata Status files /u01/oracle/ggs/dirver/status: created
Veridata Trace files /u01/oracle/ggs/dirver/trace: created
Stdout files /u01/oracle/ggs/dirout: created
We then need to create a database user which will be used by the GoldenGate Manager, Extract and Replicat processes. We can create individual users for each process or configure just a common user – in our case we will create the one user GGS_OWNER and grant it the required privileges.
SQL> create tablespace ggs_data
datafile ‘/u02/oradata/gavin/ggs_data01.dbf’ size 200m;
SQL> create user ggs_owner identified by ggs_owner
default tablespace ggs_data
temporary tablespace temp;
User created.
SQL> grant connect,resource to ggs_owner;
Grant succeeded.
SQL> grant select any dictionary, select any table to ggs_owner;
Grant succeeded.
SQL> grant create table to ggs_owner;
Grant succeeded.
SQL> grant flashback any table to ggs_owner;
Grant succeeded.
SQL> grant execute on dbms_flashback to ggs_owner;
Grant succeeded.
SQL> grant execute on utl_file to ggs_owner;
Grant succeeded.
We can then confirm that the GoldenGate user we have just created is able to connect to the Oracle database
Oracle GoldenGate Command Interpreter for Oracle
Version Build 002
AIX 5L, ppc, 64bit (optimized), Oracle 11 on Sep 17 2009 23:54:16
Copyright (C) 1995, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
GGSCI (devu007) 1> DBLOGIN USERID ggs_owner, PASSWORD ggs_owner
Successfully logged into database.
We also need to enable supplemental logging at the database level otherwise we will get this error when we try to start the Extract process -
2010-02-08 13:51:21 GGS ERROR 190 No minimum supplemental logging is enabled. This may cause extract process to handle key update incorrectly if key
column is not in first row piece.
2010-02-08 13:51:21 GGS ERROR 190 PROCESS ABENDING.
Database altered

GoldenGate -- Configuring the Manager process

GoldenGate -- Configuring the Manager process

The Oracle GoldenGate Manager performs a number of functions like starting the other GoldenGate processes, trail log file management and reporting.
The Manager process needs to be configured on both the source as well as target systems and configuration is carried out via a parameter file just as in the case of the other GoldenGate processes like Extract and Replicat.
After installation of the software, we launch the GoldenGate Software Command Interface (GGSCI) and issue the following command to edit the Manager parameter file
The only mandatory parameter that we need to specify is the PORT which defines the port on the local system where the manager process is running. The default port is 7809 and we can either specify the default port or some other port provided the port is available and not restricted in any way.
Some other recommended optional parameters are AUTOSTART which which automatically start the Extract and Replicat processes when the Manager starts.
The USERID and PASSWORD parameter and required if you enable GoldenGate DDL support and this is the Oracle user account that we created for the Manager(and Extract/Replicat) as described in the earlier tutorial.
The Manager process can also clean up trail files from disk when GoldenGate has finished processing them via the PURGEOLDEXTRACTS parameter. Used with the USECHECKPOINTS clause, it will ensure that until all processes have fnished using the data contained in the trail files, they will not be deleted.
The following is an example of a manager parameter file
[oracle@redhat346 ggs]$ ./ggsci
Oracle GoldenGate Command Interpreter for Oracle
Version Build 002
Linux, x64, 64bit (optimized), Oracle 11 on Sep 17 2009 23:51:28
Copyright (C) 1995, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
PORT 7809
USERID ggs_owner, PASSWORD ggs_owner
The manager can be stopped and started via the GSSCI commands START MANAGER and STOP MANAGER .
Information on the status of the Manager can be obtained via the INFO MANAGER command
GGSCI (devu007) 4> info manager
Manager is running (IP port devu007.7809).

GoldenGate Architecture

GoldenGate enables us to extract and replicate data across a variety of topologies as shown the diagram below as well as the exchange and manipulation of data at the transactional level between a variety of database platforms like Oracle, DB2, SQL Server, Ingres, MySQL etc.
It can support a number of different business requirements like:

  • Business Continuity and High Availablity
  • Data migrations and upgrades
  • Decision Support Systems and Data Warehousing
  • Data integration and consolidation

  • Let us know look at the differents components and processes that make up a typical GoldenGate configuration on Oracle.

    (source: Oracle GoldenGate Administration Guide)
    The Manager process must be running on both the source as well as target systems before the Extract or Replicat process can be started and performs a number of functions including monitoring and starting other GoldenGate processes, managing the trail files and also reporting.
    The Extract process runs on the source system and is the data caoture mechanism of GoldenGate. It can be configured both for initial loading of the source data as well as to synchronize the changed data on the source with the target. This can be configued to also propagate any DDL changes on those databases where DDL change support is available.
    The Replicat process runs on the target system and reads transactional data changes as well as DDL changes and replicates then to the target database. Like the Extract process, the Replicat process can also be configured for Initial Load as well as Change Synchronization.
    The Collector is a background process which runs on the target system and is started automatically by the Manager (Dynamic Collector) or it can be configured to stsrt manually (Static Collector). It receives extracted data changes that are sent via TCP/IP and writes then to the trail files from where they are processed by the Replicat process.
    Trails are series of files that GoldenGate temporarily stores on disks and these files are written to and read from by the Extract and Replicat processes as the case may be. Depending on the configuration chosen, these trail files can exist on the source as well as on the target systems. If it exists on the local system, it will be known an Extract Trail or as an Remote Trail if it exists on the target system.
    Data Pumps
    Data Pumps are secondary extract mechanisms which exist in the source configuration. This is optional component and if Data Pump is not used then Extract sends data via TCP/IP to the remote trail on the target. When Data Pump is configured, the the Primary Extract process will write to the Local Trail and then this trail is read by the Data Pump and data is sent over the network to Remote Trails on the target system.
    In the absence of Data Pump, the data that the Extract process extracts resides in memory alone and there is no storage of this data anywhere on the source system. In case of network of target failures, there could be cases where the primary extract process can abort or abend. Data Pump can also be useful in those cases where we are doing complex filtering and transformation of data as well as when we are consolidating data from many sources to a central target.
    Data source
    When processing transactional data changes, the Extract process can obtain data directly from the database transaction logs (Oracle, DB2, SQL Server, MySQL etc) or from a GoldenGate Vendor Access Module (VAM) where the database vendor (for example Teradata) will provide the required components that will be used by Extract to extract the data changes.
    To differentiate between the number of different Extract and Replicat groups which can potentially co-exist on a system, we can define processing groups. For instance, if we want to replicate different sets of data in parallel, we can create two Replicat groups.
    A processing group consisits of a process which could be either a Extract or Replicat process, a corresponding parameter file, checkpoint file or checkpoint table (for Replicat) and other files which could be associated with the process.